Categories: Family

Goodbye Stanley…..

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We lost our dog last Wednesday night he had been a bit poorly for a couple of weeks but particularly the last few days he had got significantly worse then on Wednesday we got home from work and he was unable to stand properly and seemed really disorientated.
We called the vet straight away and the said to come straight away. We bundled Stanley into the car and off we went. We had an idea he would not be coming home with us. This was one of those lose/lose situations.
If we take him to the vets then he might not come home but if we did not take him he would be suffering and we could not let that happen. We arrived at Vets for Pets and took him quickly inside, the beast from the east was roaring away and it was freezing.
We did not want to add to his suffering. The look on the vets and receptionists face told us all we needed to know, we were right to take him to see the vet. We waited about 3 minutes to see the vet, they were very quick.
We took Stanley into the room, the vet took one look and asked us how old he was, he’s 15. She examined him and asked how long he had been like this, a few days now.
She said he looked like he was uncomfortable and because of his age we should probably consider letting him go as if we did not he would not get better as he was a good age for the breed of dog, he was a bull greyhound.
We had an idea this was going to happen but we were not prepared at all for letting him go.
How do you do that?
We had him since he was a puppy and he was the sweetest dog you could ever meet. He was scared of his own shadow and would jump every time he heard the slightest noise.

The stories we could tell you of the antics he got up to, he made us laugh so much over the years. Just one of the times we took him for a walk to the local park we wandered over by the bird cages and the pond, there are so many trees, hence a lot of squirrels.
As we walked a squirrel ran down the tree and jumped out on Stanley. He nearly ran up his own backside, you would have thought he was being attacked by a lion, not a squirrel.
Anyway, I already have tears coming down my face writing this blog, so I must finish.
Goodbye Stanley our beautiful faithful dog, you will suffer no more pain. Go run with your friends who have gone before you
Love you always bless your little paws love your heartbroken owners♥x


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