Categories: The Go to Girl

You wont believe this………..

OMG I cannot believe when i was young i was always writing and then about ten weeks ago i started a blog and it actually has changed my life. AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!
I cannot believe what I have just done

I have just published my first ever book on Amazon Kindle.
Click the picture to view on Amazon
Can you believe it, me, the kid who was orphaned at age 3, deserted by her mother, rescued by the police in a deserted house locked in a room starving and neglected.
Now I am happily married with a gorgeous family of my own making and my legacy will be writing about the life I have led and the effects it has had on me.
My book is available on Kindle now for £2.10 for a Kindle Edition, please show your support by having a look and even buying my book.  If this one is successful who knows I may publish another.
I have a mountain of other writings just in notebooks waiting to be published and another mountain of other stories waiting to come out of my head, they really need releasing.  It has become my therapy writing as it just flows out of me and it seems there is no stopping it .

As always loving being me
Love the go to girls blog


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