Categories: The Go to Girl

Our garden in springtime

It’s the first weekend I have been able to get outside in the garden for a potter and so I can assess the winter damage.

What plants survived, how the bar held up in the bad weather and what broke in the breath of death weather we had recently. Also I am way behind with planting my seeds for the yearly crop of vegetables and flowers I try and grow each year. The main reason I have not been out is the death of my dog. He is usually always under my feet, causing chaos around the garden. Not anymore and I really miss him and facing the garden after Stanley has been hard. Chris has finally plucked up the courage to clear out Stanleys shed, I could not face doing it so thank you for doing this for us. We did not want to get rid of the shed as it reminds us of Stanley, so we, well Chris has changed the use and made me a little potting shed.

Anyway as I was saying I went out there to plant my seeds for the year. I have planted all the salad vegetables for the summer, the usual, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber and spring onions as well as other salad favourites.

Then there is the hanging basket flowers, I don’t know about anyone else but I find some of the hanging basket flowers quite expensive to buy for the instant hanging basket. I have for the last few years decided to grow my own. I particularly love trialing lobelia for my baskets.

I love the waterfall effect of this flower with all its beautiful colours. I also planted petunia seeds, I found these are one of the easiest flowers to grow from seeds, which for me is great as I have planted a lovely garden more by good luck than skill as a gardener. I don’t pretend to know what I am doing half the time but I have that ‘if I try it might go right’ attitude and sometimes I surprise myself with the results. Sweet peas are one of my favourites to out in my baskets for the scent they give off and they attract all sorts of wild life to our garden which is nice to see when you are sat on a summers day watching all of the bees and butterflies floating around in a summer breeze. It took me around an hour in my (Stanleys) potting shed, to plant all of the seeds. I thought I could write a blog of the journey myself and the garden takes from today until, well all year round. The changes the garden goes through throughout the year is amazing. I love to potter around it watching the fruits of my labour literally. We grow all manner of fruits already, apples, brambles, black and red berries, strawberries, mint. All useful in the kitchen it the bar in our favourite summer cocktails. This year I thought I would try my hand at growing water melon. As I said I have no idea if I even live in the right climate to grow them but u have put them inside for now at least until I research the climate they like, then I may move it outside. Feel free to advise me on any tips which may help my gardens journey through the next few months. I will update with a further blog on our garden as it grows, I am really looking forward to how my seeds will be in say a months time.
As always loving being me……
Any garden advice would be really appreciated….
Until my next blog, thank you for reading xxx


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