Sunshine Blogger Nomination
Well again, I’m honoured to be nominated for another blogger award. The Sunshine Blogger Award. I was nominated for the award by Image Earth Travel. I would like to say thank you so much. I consider being nominated for these awards a great honour and I know some people do not but everyone is entitled to their own opinions. The Sunshine Blogger Award was created to show bloggers appreciation of posts creative and inspiring content.
There are rules to follow when you receive a nomination which are:
Thanks the blogger who nominated you.
Answer the questions asked. (this varies from 5-11)
Nominate bloggers for the award. (this again varies)
Notify bloggers of your nominations.
List these rules and display The Sunshine Blogger Award Logo
Below are Image Earth Travel questions and my answers, I hope you like my answers. Thanks for reading.
Question 1. Do Word ads annoy me? Not really unless they pop up all over but just on a page are ok
Question 2. What is my best travel experience? Swimming in the Pacific ocean to the Marietas Islands with my husband.
Question 3. What is the worst travel experience I’ve ever had. This was an all-inclusive holiday to a hotel called Ten Bells in Tenerife. It was supposed to be all-inclusive but it was awful everywhere closed at 8 and the food was disgusting.
Question 4. What type do a blog do I follow? All sorts really, travel and family mainly but a bit of everything including history, cooking and gardening aswell.
Question 5. On holiday do I like to pre-book it or wing it.? I do pre-book a lot of stuff but wing it in between on the days when we have free time.
Question 6. What is the most dangerous situation I have been in while traveling? While staying with friends of my stepmother at house in Spain when I was younger during an argument I had a knife thrown at me! Needless to say I got out of there really quickly.
Question 7. When I’m writing do I like to listen to music or quiet? I produce my best work when it’s quiet, although I have written when it’s been noisy but I always have to rewrite this to get it to how I like it.
Question 8. What do I most enjoy about blogging? I write with a pen most of the time, I love the way the pen feels on the paper but mainly I enjoy the release of emotion I feel when writing about personal things.
Question 9. How many hours a week do I spend blogging? With all the research I can spend anywhere from 8 to 28 hours a week. It is like having two full-time jobs.
Question 10. How often do I publish a week? I try to publish on a Sunday and a Wednesday most weeks if it’s possible.
Question 11. How many posts would I like to see from my favourite blog? I would like to see a new post everyday but from experience I know life makes it hard to do this.
My nominations for the sunshine blogger Awards are as follows; I only nominated four bloggers as I have tried to pick the best of who I am reading currently and these four are great.
Here are my questions for you all.
Question 1. Do you dream at night? If yes, what was your last dream?
Question 2. Do you ever have nightmares? what was the last nightmare you had?
Question 3. Are you artistic? If yes, in what way?
Question 4 What sound could you listen to all day? (music, birds tweeting, children playing, waves crashing on a beach)
Question 5. Do you prefer the beach or pool when you’re on holiday?
Question 6. Do you love what you do to make a living? If not what would you love to do?
Question 7. When you’re right do you use a pen and paper or a computer?
Question 8. Do you take your own photos for your blog?
Question 9 If you could do anything tomorrow, money was no object, what would you do and where? (now think really carefully)
Question 10. What do you want most from your life?
Thanks for reading,
Loving being me,
Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx
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