The Go to Girls Blog Loves Our Garden….

Loving Garden photography.

As you will already of read I love taking photos of, well everything.  You know these days you can be anywhere and you have all of the tech you could need in your phone.  I am one of those people who can see the beauty in anything.

I can just be walking down the street and see something random and then see the photo opportunity in my mind’s eye, so out pops the camera.
What you may not know is I also love gardening.  When I moved into this house the garden was bare.  There were no plants, flowers or shape to it, it was in desperate need of a loving touch.

I am not saying I am a good gardener but I am, and so is my husband Chris, a hard worker and I had a vision for this space.  
I always wanted a place to relax and share time with my family and we have had so many fun times in this garden.  As you may have read one of my previous blogs Chris built us a home Tiki bar at the bottom of the garden.

It is like a slice of paradise in our own back yard.  To complement the bar we put in some tropical looking plants, palms I think.

Learning as I go!

As I said I am not a knowledgeable gardener but I am learning and if I get stuck I google everything.  You will have to forgive me if I make any incorrect statements in this blog relating to gardening, as I said I am no expert.

Rose and Lavender


Nanna’s Favourite

I always loved my nannas garden when I was a kid it had roses in it, you know the old-fashioned really fragrant deep red ones.  Her favourite perfume was roses roses, I think it was Avon own branded perfume,  it still reminds me of her every time I smell it.

I wanted to put roses in my garden to remind me of her, she had a massive influence on me when I was a child.
Anyway back to the garden, I wanted to have a kind of old English country garden you know roses, lavender, jasmine, and honeysuckle


with a kind of tropical outskirt, it has passion-flower entwined into the jasmine and honeysuckle, sounds weird but it works and of course, the smell of it early on a summer’s morning is out of this world.

Passion Flowers

I can sit out there in a morning before work with a cup of tea, the birds come and sing, the flowers are buzzing with all sorts of life.  Butterflies, bees, all going about their business.  I try to encourage local wildlife to set up home and even have a bug hotel.

Theo and I built it with a load of old logs we cut off the apple tree.

I have included in my blog of the evolution of my garden I thought I would share some of the photos I have taken of the flowers I have grown.  I hope you like them.


As always loving being me…
Come back soon for another tale. Thanks for reading….

Love The Go to Girls Blog xxx


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