Categories: The Go to Girl

The Go To Girls Blog & Facebook…….

If you know me you will know one of the things I don’t do is Facebook. I have over the years dipped my toe in and out of Facebook but was not really happy reading about what people had for dinner or what they were wearing.

So as times move on I realised it may be a good tool for building my brand. I am slightly uneasy about my decision and wanted to ask people who read my blog if they can offer any advice. I opened my page and added one for #thegotogirlsblog and have received quite a few friend requests. I have so many questions about Facebook.

If I write them in my blog would anyone offer up any answers, advice or insights so here goes?
1. What is the purpose of Facebook?
2. Is it to friend people you know or make new friends?
3. Why am I getting so many friend requests from strangers?
4. Why is there no icon to follow people I know?
5. Am I somehow on a hacked Facebook?
6. I tried to follow people I did not know and have been put in Facebook “jail”! I did not know I was doing anything wrong as I am a blogger and was reaching out to other bloggers as I do on Twitter and Instagram. Does anyone know why, for how long or how I get my account back?
7. I have now opened a new account but cannot follow people I know and have lots of requests from people I don’t know?
8. Seems a bit backward!? Does anyone have any useful advice, please?
9. Will Facebook help me promote my brand.
10. Does anyone have any stories for or against using Facebook?
I really need your help on this one. Please comment as much info as you can.
Loving being me, let’s see if I will love being on Facebook.
Are you on Facebook??
Thanks for reading & really hoping you can help.
Love The Go To Girls Blog xxxx


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