Categories: The Go to Girl

Thinking About Life!

Since I started blogging, I realised I started to think a lot more.  I think about the world, my family and what I want to do with the rest of my life.  One thing I think about a lot is people.  I spend all day listening and watching lots of different people.  I don’t talk much as I like to talk when I have something to say.  I generally don’t talk for talking’s sake.  Someone once told me selfish people only talk about themselves.  In my opinion, they are one hundred percent correct.

I hear so many people talking about me, me, me.  What is the matter with people these days?  A lot of them just seem self-obsessed.  Is it just me who feels like this?  Please tell me it isn’t!  Please comment below if you have a similar experience.  I hear this all day, someone telling a story of how black their cat is and the next person saying their cat is blacker!!  I hear people putting others down for no particular reason but it seems to make themselves feel or look better.

Would their time not be better spent concentrating on their own business rather than meddling in things which do not concern them?  I think the internet is an amazing thing for some things but can be a terrible thing for others.  It has given a voice to people who don’t need or rather should not be given one.  The local bully for example, who is picking on their victim at a time when the victim should be getting some rest from the bully as they are at home or with friends.

The keyboard warrior who spends time trolling people who they disagree with about something and nothing.  The Facebooker who just puts their life on Facebook.  On Facebook “Oh I just got out of bed and had an amazing breakfast” In reality “oh did you tea and toast then”  I have to admit some of them do make me laugh though.  Most of them I scroll past whilst rolling my eyes.  Don’t get me wrong we are all guilty of posting a photo of a meal you cooked which you are really proud of but to put every meal, every day!! REALLY!!

When do you have time to cook it when you are on Facebook all day?  Another favourite of mine is “Well I have just spent ages cleaning the house! Time for a rest”  Well I have news for these people, everybody in the world does this every day.  You are not telling us anything we don’t already know or do ourselves!!  While I am writing this and kind of having a bit of a rant, I have the radio on in the background.  I hear a song I like and I start to relax.  Does music do that for you?  Apart from my family, music is the only other thing that makes me relax.  Music is the best thing to calm an angered soul.  I often write poetry when I am feeling emotional.

I can feel happy, sad or angry.  I sometimes feel the need to express myself which has resulted in me writing poetry.  I have written some poems which are possibly emotionally charged with anger.  I really want to publish them as I already have published a book ‘Love Scares Me’ which are poems from my bouts of love charged emotional writing.

Anyway, I am calming down and have gone off a tangent,  Back to the original topic of this blog ‘People’.  I just feel a lot of people do not live their own lives anymore, they live other people’s! What is the matter with your own life?  You chose it! You made it!  What is it about you that makes you how you are?  Do you feel that material possessions enhance your life? Do you think what other people think of you matters? The answer to both of the previous questions is no they don’t!

If you don’t like your self or your life, do something about it!  I did and I can tell you it really changed my life for the better.  Well, this is kind of a weird blog as it is really just a rant but it was something I really wanted to get off my chest so thanks for reading.  Please come back for more tales (and possibly rants LOL)  from The Go To Girls Blog.

Still loving being me

Love The Go To Girls Blog XXX


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