Just Breathe
Anger!!! Is Not The Word!!! There Are No Words For How I Feel Right Now! Just Breathe!
Have you ever been accused of doing something you did not do but you cannot prove it?
If i tell you i have (or have not) done something then that is the truth. In my world my word is trusted. I don’t see the point in lying. I don’t like people who lie, even about the little things. If you will lie about the little things then you will lie about the big things. If you cannot trust me then i should not have anything to do with you. I am so angry right now i just had to write this post.
The thing i have been accused of is something and nothing and seems trivial in the scheme of things. I was supposed to send some work emails on Christmas eve but somehow they never sent and when my emails where next opened they all sent. I apparently logged into my work emails and sent them while i was on holiday. (Even though as far as i was concerned they had sent days earlier) Why would i have done this?
As if i would write important emails and leave them in my drafts for when i got back to work two weeks later or when i got a chance to log in from home and send them? But yes this is what work believe i have done!! I always say writing is my release and i had to release this anger somehow from my head before it exploded. I don’t associate with people who do not trust me for this exact reason. Anyway, i need to ask the techies out there for your help.
I need to find out how i can see what happened to my emails. Why they did not send? Did Outlook crash? I know there must be activity logs but where are they? Please don’t just read this blog and do nothing. This really means a lot to me and i really need your help. Can you reach out to your friends who may know a bit about tech stuff?
Thanks for reading and all your help (in advance)
PS. So much for positive mental attitude. (Today’s post LOL!)
There is always someone who wants to rid you of this. Well there is one thing some people do not know about me. You may knock me down!
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