The Go To Girls Blog Brand Logo Image
One thing you will find your self needing for your blog is a logo. This logo will help people recognise you and your brand across every social media app you use.
If you think about your brand when you are opening social media accounts, if you use random photos or characters then how will people know when they have found the correct account?
After all, there are plenty of copy cats out there who will use your brand to get recognition for their own. You can never stop this but you can brand cleverly by having your own logo.
Some established brands even copyright the logo they create for their brand. Here at The Go To Girls Blog we actually have two logos. Either of them can help readers recognise our brand and we even have them on our business cards.
Either of these images will help your readers as they do ours know they are looking at The Go To Girls Blog accounts.
You do all the hard work when promoting your blog or website so you want people to be able to find you easily.
Rule number three tomorrow!
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