Walking around the world
Another rule for any blogger but especially a new blogger is don’t spend money you don’t have! You will see everywhere companies who want to help you with apps and plugins, themes and advertising.
While these may be ok if you have an budget they are not so great if you are on a tight or no budget at all. The truth is if you pick the right host you can rely on them to help you with some of the technical features of building your website.
Although some do not include some of the design features of your website like colours and themes. The internet and in particular YouTube is also an amazing tool in helping create a great website.
All you need is a little technical knowledge and YouTube and you can get away with little or no budget and have a beautiful website. One of the things we do here at The Go To Girls Blog is offer assistance to new and existing bloggers technical help.
We know how hard it is to get your website up and running especially when you are right at the beginning of the process.
If you find yourself in need of a bit of technical help then drop us an email and depending on the nature of your query we may be able to help for free (in more complicated cases there may be a small charge)
But we will help you on your way to getting your website looking beautiful and your blog running smoothly.
Thanks for reading.
Blogging rule 10 tomorrow.
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