Categories: The Go to Girl

Blogging Rule 10. SEO. (Search Engine Optimisation)

Something to consider when writing a blog or creating a webpage is how it is going to appear on the internet, in particular within search engine results. 

Nobody wants to spend all the time they have creating content and then not appear in any searches.  Everyone wants their posts and website to appear on the first page of Google search and this is attainable. 

Use Search Engine Optimisation

You just have to optimise your post for this.  SEO or Search Engine Optimisation is maximising blog posts or website pages chances of appearing high on search engine searches and therefore getting more traffic for your brand.  As I said in a previous post traffic is key to a successful blog/website/brand. 

Here at The Go To Girls Blog we use a couple of SEO Plugins.  Why use more than one I hear you ask?  Well I thought long and hard about this and I came up with this, one SEO plugin told me to do certain things to my blog like use internal links and image tags.

Then just out of curiosity I installed another one and that told me a totally different list of things that would ‘optimise’ my post, like use a focus key phrase and the width of my title.  Confusing, Yes!  Or is it?  Could it be more useful information on search engine optimisation? 

We thought what if we try to follow the suggestions on 2 of these SEO plugins and see what happens.  So we did and guess what happened? 


It actually works. 

We use On-Page and Post SEO and Yoast SEO. 

Why not give them a go, it can’t hurt your brand but it can make the world of difference to your website. 

Happy SEOing.

Drop us a comment or an email if you have any questions about SEO. 

Thanks for reading.

Pop back for Rule 11 tomorrow. 

Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx


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