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How To Get Your Website To Go Global.

It is truly an amazing feeling when you check your analytics (website statistics) and you see a map of the world and on this map of the world, you see colourations of all the countries who have read and/or followed your blog. 

Just take a minute to have a look at all of the countries The Go To Girls Blog has reached?  It is truly mind-blowing.  It has taken two years to achieve this which may seem a long time but in ‘blogger months’ this is amazing progress. 

The darker the pink, in this case, means you have more followers/readers from that particular country.  For The Go To Girls Blog, we have a lot of our readers/followers from the beautiful countries of USA, India and our homeland the UK. 

The big question is how did we do it. 

The honest answer is hard work and determination. 

I know this sounds an old wives tale but it is exactly how we did it. 

You write, you design, you do all of the many jobs you need to do and believe us when we say there are loads of ‘hats to wear’ but if you keep at it consistently, eventually it does pay off. 

You will see your statistics creeping up and the map of the world filling out. 

Thanks for reading.

Loving being me.

Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx



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