
Hull Has Its Own Language – Learning To Speak ‘Ull

If you are a regular reader of my blog you will know I am from "Hull" ('Ull is the pronunciation…

5 years ago

Amazing Grafitti Artists?

Well neither did I until Chris, Theo and I were having a walk one day around the old parts of…

6 years ago

Introducing The Go To Girls Blog Hometown …. Hull

We are called the Gateway to Europe as you can board a ferry here and overnight be in Bruges or…

6 years ago

The Best Summer Ever!!!!

That smell that comes on a summer breeze. I can't describe it but when you smell it you know summer…

6 years ago

The Go to Girls Blog Loves Banksy!!

Wow I love living in Hull I was born here and have seen so much happen here There has been…

6 years ago