Categories: The Go to Girl

The Go To Girls Blog Loves Fridays

Well thankfully it is Friday.  It has been a tiring week as usual at work.


Its kind of like having two jobs having a full time job and working on my blog up to seven or so hours a day.  There is so much to do.  Writing the posts, keeping up with all of the comments I am lucky enough to be sent, sorting out all of my social media post.  The thing is I love doing it and I am slowly building something amazing.

My husband is a great help and between us The Go To Girls Blog is going places.  Finally it is the weekend and we get at least a couple of hours to just relax.  I will let you into an embarrassing secret but don’t tell anyone!! Chris and I on a rainy Sunday afternoon usually relax by watching a Columbo marathon!  If you don’t know what Columbo is, it is the best old detective show ever made and it you have not seen it, treat yourself and check him out on YouTube!

Well that’s enough of our secrets for today!

Happy Friday Everyone and thanks for reading.

Loving being me.

Love The Go To Girls Blog. xxx


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