Universal Studios Florida
This sign could not have said it better.
We never planned to come to America that year but I will tell you a little about how it came to be. Chris and I wanted to go to Tunisia, we had seen a great deal in the travel agents so off we went to book. By the time we got to the travel agent, we got the usual story.
That deal has gone sir but we have this one which is three times more expensive than the deal you saw for the same deal. About the same time as I was politely telling the lady we do not wish to take her deal Chris noticed a poster in the window. Holidays to America, Florida, Orlando to be more specific. The price for a week was the same price as it was to go to Tunisia.
That was not a hard choice, the next thing we know we are booked, packed and on the plane to the good old USA. Our hotel was on International Drive, we did not know then but this was a great place to stay. The Quality Inn as it was then, cheap, cheerful and just what we needed. Right in the middle of everything, the corner of International Drive and Sand Lake Road.
I-HOP across the road (International House Of Pancakes) and McDonald’s just outside the hotel. All the bars, restaurants and entertainment you could possibly want on a holiday.
By the time we got to the hotel, we had enough energy to get bathed, changed and pop out to Chilli’s for something to eat before hitting the hay (bed) for the night.
The next morning we were up and out at the crack of dawn, probably as we were still on UK time but also as we were really excited to go to………….
Universal Studios
Islands of Adventures, the first thing to see, The Wizarding World of Harry Potter had recently opened the year before and we could not wait to see it. Chris was not a fan of Harry Potter before we went but when in America you have to go and “do the sights”.
We got to the gate and the man there told us there was a four-hour wait to go on the ride. We were a bit disappointed until we reached the arch.
What we did not realise was it really was not just a ride but an actual world with streets and buildings, shops and not just one ride, there were four. The four-hour wait was for the actual Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey, this is inside Hogwarts School.
We were so excited like a couple of two-year-olds. We set off through the arch first stop had to be the main ride, if we were going to wait four hours in a queue it was going to be this one. As it turned out the queue was not four hours it was around 45 minutes maybe an hour. We were very happy with this news.
So bags in the lockers and off we went. It was boiling hot but the theme parks think of everything, they had little taps all down the queue in case you got thirsty and fans to cool you off. Even queuing was enjoyable. The full place was themed so everywhere you look is something amazing.
They play themed music and I hear they even spray scents at a certain point to make the place smell authentic.
We went on the ride, it was amazing, we had no idea what to expect when we arrived but it was not anything like this.
Next, we went for a look around the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. The shops were out of this world, I think my favourite was the Sweet Shop, Honeydukes. I literally could have had a sugar rush here I would have never come down from.
Next, we heard about Butterbeer was the drink to try but you could only buy it in here so as you expect we went to find the Butterbeer Cart and have a try. Its kind of like a butterscotch fizzy drink sounds weird but it’s delicious.
Next was a trip to the wand shop Ollivander’s. Lloyd (our son) is a massive fan so we had to bring him back a wand from the actual shop in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter (nothing less would do)
We were starting to get a bit tired and hungry by now so I thought we would have a break, so off back to the hotel for a rest and a shower ready for the night ahead.
Please come back next time for another day in the first trip we ever took to Florida….
I promise you won’t be disappointed.
As always until next time…
Loving being me…
Love the Go To Girls Blog…..
PS Don’t forget to please check out my new book available on Amazon Kindle Love Scares Me By Donna Young Your support is appreciated this is my first book so read it buy it and spread the word any way you can.
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