The Great Outdoors
Who doesn’t love the great outdoors? I think in the age of technology and social media people have forgotten how much fun it can be to be outside. Chris, Theo, and I often take a break from work by spending a few hours in the great outdoors and we are so lucky that we can find these kinds of scenes right on our doorstep.
Where else can you just relax, play around, climb trees and generally just act like you want to?
Where else can you go in the world and teach your children and grandchildren about nature? I don’t want Theo to grow up without experiencing all there is to experience in the woods and the great outdoors.
Thankfully he loves being outside and as he is so little he thinks he is so brave when he climbs a few feet up a tree and the look on his face is priceless.
Do you take your children/grandchildren out to the great outdoors? We would love to hear about your adventures and see your photos of your own ‘backyards’
Thanks for reading.
Loving being me.
Love The Go To Girls Blog. xxx
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