Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels
One of the things Chris and I love to do is visit the places used in our favourite movies and TV programs. We have done this a few times when we have been visiting London. We find London has been used so much for filming.
One of the movies we love is Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. Set in London it is a story of four mates who end up owing a gangster half a million pounds after a card game.
One of the places we visited was the final scenes of Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels on Southwark Bridge. The character, Tom is trying to get rid of some guns which can ty the gang to the crimes they have all just taken part in.
You will have to watch the film to see how we tried to recreate the scene at the bridge. I must tell you not very good recreation as the bridge is very high and it would have been too dangerous to lean over as far as Tom did.
Loving being me,
Thanks for reading,
Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx
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