Categories: Travels Near & Far

Walking Around The World.

Have you ever noticed when you walk around the motion of your own feet?  I love to make videos of my feet when I am walking.  No, I am not weird, well, maybe a bit lol!  Why don’t you have a look at yours when you are walking around.  You begin to notice a lot more.

Walking around the world

The shoes you wear, the floor you are walking on or the weather at the time. 

Walking around the world
Walking around the world
Walking around the world

You even end up walking in sync with anyone you walk with.  Have a look it’s weird the things you will notice.  Also, you will take in your surroundings a lot more.  this is always a good thing as you will become a lot more aware of your surroundings and notice lots of things you have never seen before.


[wpvideo tmKlyQWy]


Give it a try??


Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx


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