Categories: The Go to Girl

Tools Of The Blogger – Ripl


Being a blogger takes a team of people with all sorts of skills and a lot of equipment.  You wear so may hats, writer, publisher, advertiser, web designer.  Any tools you can use are a god send as if you did not use any tools you would be talking about working 24/7/365 to keep your blog working and profitable.  It makes sense that the less staff you have the more equipment and software/apps you could use to keep you working efficiently.  One of the tools we use here at The Go To Girls Blog is Ripl.

Ripl is an easy way to create videos and images that can be posted to several of your social media accounts all at once.  This saves so much time when you have just spent an hour writing a post then more time perfecting it for SEO (more on perfecting SEO in another post) the more time posting it to numerous social media accounts. Lets be honest how many social media accounts do you have when you are building your brand?  If this is you then give Ripl a try.  Best of all you can use it for free.  (there is also a paid package)

Thanks for reading, come back for more tip and tools of a blogger.

Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx


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