Categories: The Go to Girl

Simple Rules To Keep Your Website Traffic Flowing – Rule 1.

If you cannot read your website then neither can your readers – Choose designs carefully

Design Matters

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Running a successful blog and website involves a lot of work.  Here at The Go To Girls Blog we take every minute we can and make the most of it, whether it is having some down time with our families or using the time to update our website or writing blog post ready for future posts.


This weekend gave us a couple of hours to update the website and correct a couple of changes which have been bugging us as we thought they just did not look right.  You have to remember rule no1 when creating your website.  If you cannot read it easily then neither can your readers! 

If you make any changes that lead you to believe it makes it harder to read or navigate for that matter then you must correct them.  We read a lot of books and blogs and watch videos on blogging during our research and one of the top things that lose you readers and potential customers is a website which is poorly executed. 

We have got pretty good at developing our website as you can see by the results on our site.  Do you have any issues we could maybe help you with then drop us an email at I am sure one of our ‘techies’ can help you.

Thanks for reading, 

Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx


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