You never know where inspiration comes from. Sometimes it comes from experiences or a story you hear. As a blogger, you expand your inspiration database watching people and the lives they lead. I have been thinking about writing my ‘bucket list’ for a while now. I have been thinking about all of the places I want to visit to put on my list.
The last night I was watching a film on Netflix called ‘Holiday In The Wild’ and I suddenly realised I had been looking at writing my ‘bucket list’ all wrong.

A bucket list should not be a list of places but a list of experiences. Then I googled it.
Google Search result for
bucket list
[bucket list]
1. a number of experiences or achievements that a person hopes to have or accomplish during their lifetime.

Google is so amazing but so annoying at the same time who needs inspiration when I could have just googled!!!! Oh well, I do like to learn things for myself. Anyway, my inspiration got me to the right result.
So now I am starting my bucket list all over again as mine is full of places, not experiences. Am I going to have fun writing my new ‘Bucket List’
I will post my ‘Bucket List ‘ when I finally manage to complete it. This post may take some thought and time!
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