The Go to Girl

Imagination & Inspiration

Imagination & Inspiration


Imagination & Inspiration
Imagination & Inspiration


Have you ever wondered about what it takes to be a writer?  Don’t think you have what it takes to make it as a writer!  I used to think about this.  Then I began to think about what I needed to become a writer and I finally figured it out.  It is just two things in my opinion. Imagination & Inspiration!  If you have these things then you can basically write.  I know you would also need a basic understanding of the language you are writing in but that is something that can be learned. Imagination however I don’t think they can be taught, they are just things you either have or you don’t.  It’s weird as when you are a child your imagination runs wild and people seem to lose this as they grow older.

Imagination & Inspiration

Imagination & Inspiration
Imagination & Inspiration

They say you can find inspiration in anything, just take a look at the world around you.  Have a look at the picture above.  It is just a barrier but someone has changed it into a face and put the Cities name in it. You can only see this at a certain angle too!  It just goes to show how inventive people can be!  Comment below on where you find your inspiration for your books or blog posts or email your pictures to to have them featured on The Go To Girls Blog

Loving being me. 

Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx