Have you ever wondered about what it takes to be a writer? Don’t ever think you have not got what it takes to make it as a writer! I used to think about this. Then I began to think about what I needed to become a writer and I finally figured it out.
It is just two things in my opinion. Imagination & Inspiration! If you have these things then you can basically write.
I know you would also need a basic understanding of the language you are writing in but that is something that can be learned. Imagination however I don’t think they can be taught, they are just things you either have or you don’t.
It’s weird as when you are a child your imagination runs wild and people seem to lose this as they grow older.
My imagination, however, has got better as I grew older and now I have this whole fantastic world inside my mind which is bursting to get out. Every time I feel one of these ‘moments’ coming I grab a pen and paper or my laptop and start writing. I have been writing since I was old enough to hold a pencil.
I very rarely find it hard to write but the more imaginative stuff comes when I am playing with my grandson. Together we make up the most fantastical stories and games. I think he just reminds me of a childhood I never had so I live it out through him.
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Loving being me.